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Supported Text Formatting

Basic Formatting

**text** bold
''text'' bold
*text* italic
//text// italic
__text__ underline
--text-- strikethrough
^^text^^ superscript
~~text~~ subscript
--- horizontal rule
(4 dashes for sugarcube)
/* text */ comment
/% text %/ comment

Alignment (Harlowe)

<== left align
==> right align
<==> justified
==><== centered, use more = on either side to adjust margins

Blockquote (Sugarcube)

blockquote (nested)

Lists (Harlowe)

  • unordered list
    • unordered list (nested)
  1. ordered list
    1. ordered list (nested)

Lists (Sugarcube)

  • unordered list
    • unordered list (nested)
  1. ordered list
    1. ordered list (nested)

Headings (Harlowe)


Heading 3


Heading 4


Heading 5


Heading 6

Headings (Sugarcube)


Heading 3


Heading 4


Heading 5


Heading 6

No-Markup (Harlowe)

Enclose text in one or more backticks ` to turn off formatting in that text. You can include backticks inside the text by using more backticks to surround it (e.g. `` no `processing` here``).

Markdown Class Declarations

Adds a class to the preceding HTML element (whether generated from Markdown or manually written).

Place {:.class} inline to add class to the preceding (or enclosing) inline element. e.g. *text* {:.class} produces <i class="class">text</i>.

Place {:.class} on a new line to add class to the preceding block element. e.g.

* text
produces <ul class="class"><li>text</li></ul>.